Struggling To Launch Your Business??

Unlock The Secrets To Grow Your Business FAST!

  • Database Reactivation: FREE leads at your fingertips

  • Missed Call Text-Back

  • 2-Way text back

  • Website Answer AI Bot

How Will Sales Funnels Keep Me From Wasting My Time And Money On Marketing?

  • 20x better results than traditional websites

  • ​Ad placement across ALL major platforms

  • Leverage AI technology

  • Cutting edge tracking

  • ​Generate more revenue from existing patients without spending more cash

Why Should You Use Dvet Digital?

98% of visitors to your websites never call, visit, or come back.....

We chase leads through multiple channels, so you don't have to!

Traditional Websites

  • ​1-2% of visitors become clients

  • ​Static, non-engaging content

  • ​No back end retargeting of visitors

  • ​No expert guidance to deliver results

  • ​Poor SEO ranking

Digital Sales Funnels

  • ​1-2% of visitors become clients

  • ​Static, non-engaging content

  • ​No back end retargeting of visitors

  • ​No expert guidance to deliver results

  • ​Poor SEO ranking


Our Team Of Experts Has 20 Years Of Experience Across 12 Industries $300+ Mil A Year In Ad Spend Qualifies Our Partners As THE Industry Leaders

Ad Placement & Monitoring

  • Up to 100 Ads across all platforms

  • ​Non-performing ads dropped daily

  • ​Consistent messaging

  • ​Dedicated marketing team

  • ​Daily review so ads work for you

No Hassle Client Acquisition

  • We generate leads

  • Qualify the clients

  • ​Call the clients

  • ​Schedule your calendar

  • ​Send appointment reminders

  • ​We put you in the driver's seat

Proven Results

  • ​​Repeatable results, every time

  • 14,000 active clients and growing

  • ​12 major market sectors

  • ​The leader in AI messaging

  • ​We scale business fast

Book a call with our experts today to get a free, personalized Demo TODAY!

Dvet Digital, LLC - All Rights Reserved 2023 & Beyond

6111 Shallowford Rd Ste 105-D PMB 288, Chattanooga, TN 37421

+1 423-556-8514

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